SCH Number 2016052054
Project Info
- Title
- County File #LP14-2044
- Description
- The applicant seeks approval of a land use permit to establish a new, 13,250 sf church facility with preschool and daycare on the site in two phases. The project involves the demolition of all existing structures, except for the southernmost residence on the site. Associated outdoor play areas, landscaping, and paved parking are proposed. The proposal includes the removal of 56 trees from the site, and construction activity within the drip line of 4 trees that are to be preserved. An annual Christmas tree sales event is proposed to be included in the land use approval, and a variance to the parking landscape requirement of one planter island per ten parking spaces is requested. The subject property is located at 1619 Bixler Road, in the unincorporated area of Discovery Bay.
2 documents in project