SCH Number 2016041037

Project Info

Copperleaf Residential Development Project
The State Water Resources Control Board, as the responsible agency, has issued a water supply permit for this Project. The City of San Juan Bautista proposed Project consists of 45 new single-family residences and open space areas that will include a drainage retention pond, public park, and domesic water well. A 12,200 square foot (0.28 acre) lot was designated for construction of a well (Well 5) which will replace existing Well 2 and will be designed to meet City Standatfs for together with electrical service, fencing, and security night lighting. The homes will meet City R-1 zoning standards with building coverage of 40 percent, and a floor to area ratio of 0.45. In addition, the Project will include curbs, gutter, sidewalks, street trees, landscaping, and street lighting that will complement the other residential neighborhoods in the City.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Juan Bautista Operation of City od San Juan Bautista - Well 5 for the Copperlead Residential Development Project
City of San Juan Bautista Copperleaf REsidential Development Project-Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration
City of San Juan Bautista Copperleaf Residential Development Project