SCH Number 2016032017
Project Info
- Title
- PA-1600007 (SA)
- Description
- A Site Approval application for a cold storage facility to be constructed in four (4) phases over ten years. Phases 1 through 3 each include the construction of an 18,000 sq. ft. walnut storage building and Phase 4 includes the construction of two (2) 18,000 sq. ft. walnut storage buildings. Phase 1 will be completed within eighteen months,, Phase 2 will be completed within two years, Phase 3 will be completed within three years, and Phase 4 will be completed within ten years, includes the construction of two 18,000 sq. ft. walnut storage buildings. This parcel is under a Williamson Act contract. The Property is zoned AG-40 (General Agriculture, 40-acre minimum) and the General Plan designation is A/G (General Agriculture).
2 documents in project