SCH Number 2016031014

Project Info

Recycled Water Master Plan Update Program EIR
The primary objective of the porposed plan is to update the existing approved 2002 Recycled Water Master Plan based on recent developments affecting recycled water sources, supply uses and demands. The proposed plan would help offset potable water demands and improve water supply reliability by accelerating the expansion of CLWA's existing recycled water system. This would be achieved through the expansion of the pipeline distribution system to end users (commercial, industrial or municipal customers); addition of pump stations; use of operational storage reservoirs; and recharge basins. Specifically, the proposed plan includes three components. Component 1 looks at near term opportunities to expand recycled water use for non-potable uses (i.e. irrigation, commercial, etc.). This component involves updates specifically to phase 2 including extension of alignments beyond the existing phase system to end users, addition of pump stations, and use of operational storage reservoirs (water tanks). Component 2 assesses mid term opportunities to expand recycled water use for non potable uses. This component considers future alignment extension beyond phase 2 for landscape irrigation and other non-potable uses, as well as service to the planned development for the Westside Communities. Component 3 assesses long-term opportunities to expand recycled water use for non-potable uses while implementing a groundwater recharge project via surface spreading.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Castaic Lake Water Agency Recycled Water Master Plan Update Program EIR
Castaic Lake Water Agency Recycled Water Master Plan Update Program EIR