SCH Number 2016022077

Project Info

American River Headwaters Restoration Project (PLN16-00001)
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) would provide funding to implement the American River Headwater Restoration Project. The project would enhance native forests, reconnect meadow hydrology, and improve fish passage through the removal of culverts, decommissioning of logging roads, and removal of encroaching conifers from meadows. The project would also involve non-commercial thinning of forests to restore fire resiliency, wildlife habitat, and forest structure. SNC has reviewed the IS/MND prepared by Placer County, and has independently determined that the project would not result in significant adverse environmental impacts.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Placer County American River Headwaters Restoration Project
Placer County American River Headwaters Restoration
Placer County American River Headwater Restoration Project
Placer County American River Headwaters Restoration Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0295-R2)
Placer County American River Headwaters Restoration Project
Placer County American River Headwaters Restoration Project (PLN16-00001)