SCH Number 2015112003

Project Info

Downtown Martinez Jail Demolition Project
The Project would involve demolition and removal of the existing Jailhouse building, including all building elements (i.e., foundations, roof equipment, and building appurtenances). The basement of the Jailhouse building and the sunken garage would also be demolished and filed. The existing Jailhouse building consists of the original structure, built in 1903, and an annex built in 1944. The Jailhouse building is on the National Register of Historic Places. The Jailhouse building is approx. 19,008 gross sq. ft. and 35 feet in height. There are seven parking structures in a parking lot to the south of the building and five in a parking lot to the north of the building. The Jailhouse is currently vacant (with the exception of a limited amount of obsolete storage). The Jailhouse building is currently contaminated with hazardous materials including asbestos and lead-based paint. Following demolition of the existing Jailhouse building, the Project site would be leveled to match the surrounding area and a surface parking lot would be constructed on the Project site. As described above, the existing parking lots have a total of 12 striped parking spaces. The County Public Works Dept. would repave the entire site, providing a total of 25 to 30 spaces. The proposed parking lot would serve some of the parking demand from the adjacent County buildings and would be restricted to County employees only. Construction activities would include abatement of hazardous materials and the demolition of the existing Jailhouse, site preparation and excavation, site grading, and paving of the new parking lot. Additionally, the Project would include the demolition and removal of all other site features, including building footings, granite bollards, granite curb, concrete curb, metal railings, walls, paving, and limited portions of sidewalks within the Project site. All existing planters and landscaping would be removed as well. The Project would have significant effects with regard to historic architectural resources, biological resources, hazards and hazardous materials, and noise. With the exception of historic architectural resources, these impacts could be reduced to a less-than-significant level with mitigation. The Project site is not included on a hazardous materials/contaminated sites list compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Contra Costa County Downtown Martinez Jail Demolition Project
Contra Costa County Downtown Martinez Jail Demolition Project
Contra Costa County Downtown Martinez Jail Demolition Project