SCH Number 2015111057

Project Info

EIR 01-15; Windhub Solar Project by Windhub Solar A, LLC and Windhub Solar B, LLC
Note: Response to Comments The project consists of two non-contiguous sites (Windhub Solar A and Windhub Solar B) that are located approx 0.5 mi apart. Windhub Solar A comprises privately owned parcels totaling approx 147.5 acres, while Windhub Solar B comprises one parcel owned by the CA State Lands Commission totaling approx 160 acres. The project proponent is requesting: a) a CUP (CUP 17, Map 197) to allow the construction and operation of an approx 20-MW solar pv electrical generating facility (section 19.12040.G) in an M-3 (Heavy industrial) district; and b) a CUP (CUP 18, Map 197) to allow the construction and operation of a communications tower on Windhub Solar A (Section 19.40.030F). A 20-MW solar pv electrical generating facility and a communications tower are also proposed on Windhub Solar B, which have also been accounted for in this EIR; however, CUPs are not applicable to Windhub Solar B as that site is not under the land use jurisdiction of Kern County.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County Windhub Solar B (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2024-044-04 (ITP))
Kern County Windhub Solar Project
Kern County EIR 01-15; Windhub Solar Project by Windhub Solar A, LLC and Windhub Solar B, LLC
Kern County EIR 01-15; Windhub Solar Project by Windhub Solar A, LLC and Windhub Solar B, LLC
Kern County (a) Conditional Use Permit No. 17, Map No. 197; Windhub Solar Project by Windhub Solar A, LLC and Windhub Solar B, LLC (PP16101)