SCH Number 2015061054

Project Info

Palmale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project
The Palmdale Water District plans to develop groundwater banking programs with new spreading grounds to recharge imported water and potentially recycled water, as well as recovery facilities to help meet future water demands and improve reliability. Water for groundwater recharge would be obtained from two sources: raw water from the East Branch of the CA Aqueduct (State Water Project or SWP water) and recycled water from the Los Angeles County Sanitation District's (LACSD's) Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant. The SWP water would be the blending source for the recharge water. The recharge capacity of the proposed project is estimated to be approx. 50,000 to 52,000 AFY. For the magnitude of recharge envisioned for the proposed Project, SWP water would need to be recharged nearly year-round during wet years, which is estimated to occur approx. 6 out of every 10 years. During dry years (anticipated to be approx. 4 out of every 10 years), no SWP recharge would occur. Recycled water produced locally also would be include in the recharge (compliant with applicable regulations); this source is anticipated to be available at an approx. constant rate year round.
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Palmdale Water District Palmale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project
Palmdale Water District Palmale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project
Palmdale Water District Palmale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project
Palmdale Water District Palmale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project