SCH Number 2015061003

Project Info

Rowland Heights Plaza & Hotel Project
FYI: Final Project would subdivide the portion of the Project Site in the unincorporated County into three parcels. Parcel 1 (8.75 gross acres/8.18 net acres), comprising the eastern portion of the Project Site, would be developed with approx. 129,926 gross sq. ft. of retail, restaurant, and commercial uses (Commercial Center). As part of the Vesting Tentative Parcel Map filed for the Project, 155 commercial condominium units would be created on Parcel 1, the Commercial Center. Parcel 2 (3.38 gross acres/3.22 net acres) would be developed with a full-service hotel with 275 guestrooms and suites, meeting rooms, and a reaturant, totaling approx. 189,950 gsf. Parcel 3 (1.93 gross and net acres) would be developed with an extended-stay hotel with 202 guestrooms and suites and totaling 130,930 gsf. The developed square footage for the three parcels would total approx. 450,806 gsf. The average floor-area ratio (FAR) on the portion of the Project Site in the unincorporated County is 0.74:1.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County Rowland Heights Plaza & Hotel Project
Los Angeles County Rowland Heights Plaza & Hotel Project
Los Angeles County Rowlands Heights Plaza & Hotel Project (County Project No. R2014-01529, PM 072916, RZCT201400008, RCUPT201400062, RPKPT201400006