SCH Number 2015042050

Project Info

Vista Tank Reconstruction Project
The Town of Hillsborough operates and maintains a complex water distribution system to serve its residents and water users. This water distribution system includes 10 water storage facilities consisting of 18 water tanks and 14 water pumps and more than 100 miles of water mains. The existing Vista tank and pump station site occupies 0.45 acres of land and is bordered by single family residential land uses on Black Mountain Road, Crystal Springs Terrace, and Lancaster Road. Facilities at the approximately 0.45-acre site include one in-service steel water tank, one out-of-service wood water tank, an enclosed pump station and control house with two, 40-horsepower electric pumps, water pipelines, electrical system infrastructure (i.e., above and below ground electric lines, poles, and a transformer), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system infrastructure (e.g., communication lines and an antenna). The active, steel-green water tank is 50 feet in diameter (outside wall diameter), 24 feet high (wall and roof height above ground), and provides 350,000 gallons of water storage capacity; the inactive wood tank is approximately 24 feet in diameter (outside wall diameter), 16 feet high (wall height above ground), and provided 54,000 gallons of water storage capacity until it was taken out of service in the 1990's. The project site is not currently subject to listing under Section 65962.5 of the Government Code (the Cortese list).
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Town of Hillsborough Vista Tank Reconstruction Project
Town of Hillsborough Vista Tank Reconstruction Project