SCH Number 2015028357

Project Info

WITHDRAWN PER LEAD: Former Kearney-KPF Facility (CAD 9814219715), Second Post Closure Permit Renewal
NOTE: Retracted Per Lead on 3/4/15 The Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) is approving a second Post Closure Permit Renewal requiring the facility to continue operation and maintenance of the groundwater monitoring and treatment system at the Former Kearney-KPF facilility located at 1624 East Alpine Avenue, Stockton. The treament will continue until groundwater cleanup standards have been met. The groundwater monitoring and treatment system consists of a groundwater extraction well field, ultraviolet/oxidation (UV/OX) units to treat 1,4-dioxane, and an air stripper and granular activated carbon (GAC) to treat volatile organic compounds (VOCs), an injection well, and a storm water basin.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) WITHDRAWN PER LEAD: Former Kearney-KPF Facility (CAD 9814219715), Second Post Closure Permit Renewal