SCH Number 2015022010

Project Info

Peralta Crossing
The applicant proposes to demolish an existing building at 4133 Peralta Blvd and construct a 43-unit residential condominium development and associated improvements on a 1.84 acre site comprising the two parcels at 4133 and 4167 Peralta Blvd. The project requires approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Commercial-General to Residential-Medium, 14.6-29.9 Dwelling Units per Acre, Rezoning from C-C(CSPC)(TOD), Community Commercial with Centerville Specific Plan and Transit-Oriented Overlays and P(CSPC) City-Initiated Planned District with Centerville Specific Plan Overlay to Preliminary and Precise Planned District P-2014-297, Tentative Tract Map No. 8214, a Private Street entitlement, and a Discretionary Design Review Permit. DTSC as a Responsible Agency is overseeing cleanup activities at the site including the excavation of lead and petroleum impacted soil and the installation of vapor barriers to prevent indoor air intrusion of tetrachlorethylene as contingency for project approval. These minor additional activities are being undertaken as part of the development project to prevent exposure of future residents to hazardous substances. DTSC prepared an Addendum to augment the Lead Agency's EIR to include remedial activities and evaluate the potential for additional impacts.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fremont Peralta Crossing
City of Fremont Peralta Crossing
City of Fremont Peralta Crossing