SCH Number 2015021025
Project Info
- Title
- EA 15-05014 - Nuevo Road Widening & Nuevo Bridge Replacement
- Description
- Note: Response to Comment. The roadway component of the project involves widening several sections of Nuevo Road that have not been developed to its ultimate width. The bridge replacement component of the project involves removing an existing undersized concrete slab bridge and pier system with a "multi-cell reinforced concrete box system" consisting of eleven 14-foot wide by 14-foot high cells with a length of 114-feet. The proposed RCB will be designed to convey the 100-year storm flows under Nuevo Road as shown by the approved PVSD Alternative 5 Plan. The proposed project will construct interim improvements consisting of grading to widen the existing channel section approximately 150 feet downstream and 325 feet upstream to transition from the existing channel sections to the RCB with some of the side slopes protected with riprap. Headwalls will be constructed on the upstream and downstream ends of the RCB with cut-off walls to prevent erosion of the invert. The lower half of the RCB will be below the existing channel flow line until the ultimate channel section is constructed. The project will remove the concrete slope protection and riprap from the under the existing bridge area and will expand the earthen channel area for a net increase in the previous riverine channel area. The ultimate channel section will be constructed upstream and downstream of the RCB as development occurs in the future along the PVSD channel.
2 documents in project