SCH Number 2015012024
Project Info
- Title
- PA-1400235 (MS)
- Description
- A Minor Subdivision application of Ash & Veer Enterprises, LLC (c/o Monte K. Seibel) to subdivide an 8.18-acre parcel into one 5.00-acre financing parcel and a 3.18-acre Designated Remainder parcel. This parcel is not under Williamson Act contract. The Property is zoned AG-20 (General Agriculture, 20-acre minimum) and the General Plan designation is A/G (General Agriculture). The project site is located on the southwest corner of State Route 99 West Frontage Road and Winery Road, Lodi. (APN/Address: 013-220-16/18915 N. State Route 99 West Frontage Road, Acampo) (Supervisorial District 4).
2 documents in project