SCH Number 2015011020

Project Info

Eastvale Crossings (WalMart)
The proposed project includes a General Plan Amendment and Change of Zone to change the land use of zoning of the eastern half of the site to commercial; a Major Development Review for the development of an approx. 192,000-sq. ft. proposed Walmart store and associated improvements; five CUP for a drive-through pharmacy for Walmart, two drive-through facilities on two outparcels, alcohol sales in Walmart, and beer and wine sales in a fuel station; Tentative Tract Map No. 35061 for the subdivision of the site into five commercial parcels and one parcel for a water quality basin; and a Variance from the parking lot landscaping and shading requirements of the Zoning Code for a portion of the parking lot in front of the proposed Walmart Store.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Eastvale PLN24-20024 Mister Carwash
City of Eastvale Eastvale Crossings (Walmart)
City of Eastvale Eastvale Crossings (WalMart)
City of Eastvale Eastvale Crossings