SCH Number 2014112014

Project Info

2015-2023 Housing Element: Initial Study / Negative Declaration
The proposed 2015-2023 Housing Element (HE) Update establishes goals, policies and programs for the preservation, improvement and development of housing within the City of Sausalito. The State mandated number of new housing units for Sausalito is 79 units pursuant to the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) established for the 2015-2023 HE cycle. The proposed Housing Element Update plans for new housing through a variety of low impact strategies including mixed-use infill, accessory dwelling units and liveaboards. The environmental review of the HE Update resulted in an Initial Study/Negative Declaration.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Sausalito Housing Element Update 2015-2023
City of Sausalito 2015-2023 Housing Element: Initial Study / Negative Declaration
City of Sausalito 2015-2023 Housing Element: Initial Study / Negative Declaration