SCH Number 2014092076

Project Info

Groundwater Supplemental Supply Project
The proposed project would include the installation and operation of five new groundwater production wells and operation of five existing groundwater production wells with the objectives of: increasing the flexibility and reliability of the GCID system, safeguarding agricultural production, and periodically reducing Sacramento River diversions to benefit migrating fish. The operation of these wells would be on an as-needed basis augment District surface water supplies during dry and critically dry water years. Each well capacity would product approximately 2,500 gallons per minute to achieve a maximum cumulative total annual pumping volume of 28,500 acre feet. The analysis of the proposed project identified that all of the proposed project issues, a few of which require some form of mitigation, resulted in less than significant impacts.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID) Groundwater Supplemental Supply Project
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID) Groundwater Supplemental Supply Project