SCH Number 2014092054
Project Info
- Title
- PA-1400077 (SA)
- Description
- A Site Approval application of Lawrence J. & Beverly A. Sambado (c/o Roland Construction) for the expansion of an existing packing shed facility to be constructed in five phases. Phase 1 to include a 26,200 square foot addition to an existing apple storage shed. Phase 2, with building permits to be issued within 5 years, is the construction of two walnut storage buildings each containing 26,500 square feet. Phase 3, with building permits to be issued within 10 years, is the construction of two walnut storage buildings each containing 26,500 square feet. Phase 4, with building permits to be issued within 15 years, is a 38,700 square foot addition to an existing cherry shed. Phase 5, with buildings permits to be issued within 20 years, is the construction of a 42,750 square foot walnut storage building. These parcels are under a Williamson Act contract. The Property is zoned AG-40 (General Agriculture, 40-acre minimum) and the General Plan designation is A/G (General Agriculture). The project site is located on the north side of Comstock Road, 2,250 feet east of Tully Road, East of Stockton. (APN/Address: 091-080-34 & 37/16455 E. Comstock Road, Linden) (Supervisorial District 4).
2 documents in project