SCH Number 2014091013
Project Info
- Title
- Addendum to Neg. Dec. for Garlic Company Processing Facility Land Application System Project
- Description
- FYI: Addendum Adoption of Addendum No. 1 to the Negative Declaration adopted for the Garlic Company and Grimmway Enterprises Inc. Processing Facility Land Application Systems Project for a revised Garlic Company Processing Facility Land Application System Project. In 2014, the City of Shafter adopted a Negative Declaration for the Garlic Company and Grimmway Enterprises Inc. Processing Facility Land Application Systems Project (SCH 2014091013) which would pipe wash waste water from their facilities down Zerker Road for discharge into two separate spreading fields south-of their respective facilities. The Garlic Company has since revised its p roject and is requesting approval of an addendum for the minor change. The Garlic Company secured a pipeline easement that provides a more direct route between the Processing Facility and their 99-Acre Spreadinq Grounds site.
2 documents in project