SCH Number 2014081100

Project Info

Conditional Use Permit Case No. 32, Map No. 214; Blue Eagle Lode Mine Company (PP11249)
The proposal is for a Conditional Use Permit for and underground mining operation (Section 19.08.080) and development of a surface reclamation plan (Section 19.12.030.G) in accordance with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) of 1975. The applicant proposes to employ underground mining techniques, including the drill and blast method, to extract gold and silver ore. The underground mine portal is to be located at the bottom of an existing open pit. Proposed surface development consists of a stormwater pond, water tanks, stockpile areas for ore and waste rock, trailers for office and shop, and access roads. Surface disturbance will be limited to approximately 2.45 acres on a portion of three parcels totaling 260 acres in size. Approximately 200 acres of the 260-acre parent parcels have has been previously disturbed as a result of past mining operations. Consequently, there will be no disturbance of previously undisturbed surface area.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County Conditional Use Permit Case No. 32, Map No. 214; Blue Eagle Lode Mine Company (PP11249)
Kern County Conditional Use Permit Case No. 32, Map No. 214; Blue Eagle Lode Mine Company (PP11249)