SCH Number 2014081086

Project Info

Creekside Terrace Slope Stabilization
The proposed project involves stabilization of the north bank of an existing drainage channel located adjacent to the University-owned residential development and partially located on property owned by others. The channel will be reshaped and rip-rap will be placed on the north bank to match existing conditions on the south bank. The proposed improvements will require the removal of all vegetation located on the north bank as well as the channel bottom. The proposed project involves the recommended remedial measures which consist of stabilization improvements within a previously improved stream channel to ensure long-term stability of the stream bank in proximity to substantial keystone retaining walls along the north side of the drainage.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
University of California, Riverside Creekside Terrace Slope Stabilization Project
Regents of the University of California Creekside Terrace Slope Stabilization