SCH Number 2014071089
Project Info
- Title
- RGF 06-14; Indian Wells Valley Land Use Management Plan (PP14010)
- Description
- Note: Extended Review Per Lead The Indian Wells Valley Land Use Plan is a proposal to address growing reductions of groundwater availability and ongoing military air navigation operations in the area by: (1) balancing land uses to reduce future water consumption; and, (2) implementing compatible land uses for noise and safety in conformance with the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone Study (ACUIZ, 2011) for the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake. The IWVLUP includes General Plan Amendments to the existing Kern County General Plan and IWV Special Plan designation, Zone Changes to existing zone classifications to change land use designations on existing vacant and developed land to new designations, and an amendment to the Kern County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan that together would: (1) reduce potential future water consumption; (2) implement compatibility for the ACUIZ; and, (3) achieve consistency between existing land use designations and zone classifications as required by State Law.
2 documents in project