SCH Number 2014062023
Project Info
- Title
- Draft Climate Action Plan
- Description
- The project is a Draft Climate Action Plan (CAP or Plan) for the City of Pacifica (City). The Plan is proposed for adoption by the City Council following the required public comment period. The proposed plan provides an inventory of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from within the community, a forecast of future emissions, and strategies for reducing emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020, as required by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB32). The purpose of the Plan is to guide the development, enhancement, and implementation of actions and strategies to reduce GHGE in Pacifica, using the variety of strategies described within the Plan. The Plan categorizes GHG reduction strategies into types: Energy, Transportation and Land Use, Solid Waste, and Water. Implementation would be achieved over time, as the City continues to engage in activities such as developing and enforcing green building regulations, developing more progressive waste reduction standards, improving walkability and lighting efficiency in public spaces, and developing/revising energy efficiency policies and incentives. As for the public, applicants seeking discretionary approvals associated with development applications would need to demonstrate compliance with CAP policies when presenting projects for City review. Also, the plan contains measures to educate the public and encourage community-wide behaviors geared toward reducing GHG levels in Pacifica.
2 documents in project