SCH Number 2014061102

Project Info

San Antonio del Desierto Disadvantaged Communities Sewer Extension
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and Pueblo Unido Community Development Corporation propose the construction of a gravity sewer, sewer lift station, and force main system to serve the existing San Antonio del Desierto Mobile Home Park (MHP). The proposed project is a key component of the redevelopment, upgrading and expansion of the San Antonio del Desierto MHP serving farm workers and other low income families in the eastern Coachella Valley. The infrastructure project will replace an on-site system and will connect the MHP to the community wastewater collection and treatment system operated by CVWD. These improvements will provide residents with safe, reliable, long-term wastewater services. In addition, a stub-out from the gravity line will allow the neighboring Huerta MHP to eventually connect and benefit from the same wastewater services.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) San Antonio del Desierto Disadvantaged Communities Sewer Extension
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) San Antonio del Desierto Disadvantaged Communities Sewer Extension