SCH Number 2014061067
Project Info
- Title
- Borrego Trail Restoration and Rehabilitation Project
- Description
- CDFW has executed lake and streambed alteration agreement no. 1600-2015-0061-R5, pursuant to section 1602 of the fish and game code to the project applicant, Orange County Parks. The initial phase of the project will occur adjacent to Portola Parkway. Riparian woodland will be removed to accommodate heavy equipment within Borrego Canyon Wash and adjacent upland areas in order to establish desired grades and conveyance of surface flows. Heavy machinery will excavate sediment from the stream, excavate a low flow channel within the invert of Borrego Canyon Wash, and construct a raised rip rap slope and associated 12-ft wide access rd. The second phase of the project will address six trail wash out locations along Borrego Canyon Wash. Boulders and cobbles will be placed to create supporting berms at trail wash outs locations. Permanent impacts to up to 0.81 acre of stream habitat will be mitigated by creating a min 0.81 acre of stream habitat. Additionally, a min 1.48 acres of oak/willow riparian woodland will be restored or enhanced, for a min total of 2.29 acres of compensatory mitigation.
2 documents in project