SCH Number 2014061004
Project Info
- Title
- Xerox Corporation Irvine CRC Former Jamboree Road Facility
- Description
- The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has approved a Corrective Measures Proposal (CMP) pursuant to regulatory authority granted under Chapter 6.5, Division 20, California Health and Safety Code (H&SC) on the Xerox Corporation Irvine CRC Former Jamboree Road Facility site (Site) located at 18691 Jamboree Road, Irvine, CA in Orange County. The CMP will address impacts to sand, soils, soil gases, and groundwater from previous copy machine cleaning and refurbishing operations conducted on the Site. The impacted soils contain the chemicals of concern (COCs) tetrachloroethylene (PCE), tricholoroethene (TCE), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1,-TCA), arsenic, and barium. The remedial activities will involve excavation and disposal of approximately 3,300 cubic yards or approximately 255 truckloads (approximately 510 round trips) of COC impacted soils at an off-site permitted facility. Approximately 4,800 yds3 or approximately 465 truckloads (approximately 930 round trips) of non-impacted overburden soil will be excavated, tested, and segregated for usability as clean backfill on site or disposal at appropriate off-site permitted facility. Demolished concrete from the former building slab and footings will be stockpiled, segregated, tested, and disposed of according to their hazardous or waste category at an appropriate off-site location. Approximately 3,890 yds or approximately 375 truckloads (approximately 750 round trips) of non-impacted concrete rubble are expected to be transported off-site. A land use covenant (LUC) will be established for soil areas with residual concentrations of COCs. Additionally, there will be approximately 3,000 yds or approximately 290 truckloads (approximately 580 round trips) of soil from an on-site source tested, segregated for usability as clean backfill prior to placement, and relocated as backfill. All backfill soil will be tested for COCs in accordance with DTSCs October 2001 Imported Advisory on Clean Fill Material. After completion of the corrective activities, the site will be graded and restored in accordance with a City approved preliminary grading plan. A series of post-excavation soil vapor surveys will be completed and the human health risk assessment will be updated to evaluate risk. In addition, a long-term groundwater monitoring program will be implemented to verify the proposed remedial action. The remediation activities including reporting will take an estimated 165 days to complete. The project will be completed in two phases including the pre- and post-remedial excavation activities and long-term groundwater monitoring program. The long term monitoring will be conducted for a minimum of five (5) years.
2 documents in project