SCH Number 2014049006
Project Info
- Title
- Change of Zone No. 7794 and Tentative Tract Map No. 36437
- Description
- CDFW is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA # 1600-2013-0157-R6 [Revision 2]) pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant: CV Communities, represented by Mr. Mike White, 1900 Quail Street, Newport Beach, State of California, 92660, Phone (949) 258-7555. The Yates Road (Tract 36437) Development Project (project) is limited to the development of 42.38 acres (40.17 acres on site and 2.21 acres off site) into 102 single-family residential homes with on-site roadways, residential street lighting, a park site, a water quality/detention basin, three (3) open space lots, and roadway dedications (including portions of Yates Road and Charlois Road). The construction of the project will impact a total of 0.19 acre of streambed and associated riparian habitat including permanent impacts to 0.08 acre of southern willow scrub, 0.01 acre of herbaceous wetlands, and 0.10 acre of streambed.
2 documents in project