SCH Number 2014042069
Project Info
- Title
- Corte Madera Inn Rebuild
- Description
- Note: Recirculated EIR 2 This REIR No. 2 provides the following two components that are intended to supplement the DEIR on the Corte Madera Inn Rebuild Project: 1) revisions to section 4.3, biological resources, of the DEIR to address new information that became available after circulation of the DEIR and first DEIR related to the on site pond; and 2) minor text revisions to section 4.3, biological resources, mainly to provide additional information on the black-crowned night heron, an issue that was addressed in comments on the DEIR and in the FEIR. A new impact related to removal of a widgeon-grass sensitive natural community (due to removal of the on-site pond) was identified, and a mitigation measure was recommended.
5 documents in project