SCH Number 2013122052

Project Info

PA-1300007-Site Approval Application for Truck and Trailer Parking for a Total of 83 Trucks and 32 Trailers
Phase 1: include the parking of 32 tractor trailers and 11 trailers, the construction of a 64 sq. ft. restroom building, and a 60 sq. ft. guard shack. Phase 2: with building permits to be issued within three years, includes the parking of 51 tractor trailers and 21 trailers. This parcel is not under a Williamson Act contract. The Property is zone I-L (Limited Industrial) and the General Plan designation is I/L (Limited Industrial). The project site is located on the north side of east Roth Road, one half mile east of McKinley Avenue, French Camp. (APN/Address: 193-320-16/865 E. Roth Road, French Camp) (Supervisiorial District 1).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Joaquin County A Site Approval Application of Sukhchain Gill for a Truck Parking Operation in Two Phases
San Joaquin County PA-1300007-Site Approval Application for Truck and Trailer Parking for a Total of 83 Trucks and 32 Trailers