SCH Number 2013112015

Project Info

Vineyard Stormwater Enhancement Project
This project is limited to bank and grade stabilization in order to reduce erosion of the bed and bank along a 650-foot long reach of a stream with seasonal hydrology. The stream channel was straightened in the past decades and has a gully actively migrating up the channel. The project will restore the channel meander, geometry and gradient as estimated from aerial photography and field investigations. In order to preserve the constructed channel gradient, a 20-foot long, 3-foot high, rock drop grade control structure will be constructed that will use a 12-foot rock approach and 15-foot rock tailwater. The project will result in excavating approximately 692-cubic yards of soil, placing approximately 567-cubic yards of fill, and removing all excess excavated material from the stream zone for proper storage or disposal. Establishing the meander width of the channel will require the removal of existing vineyard on both the sides of the stream channel. Following completion of stream construction the Permitee will complete the planting plan located in Vineyards Stormwater Enhancement Project Planting Plan, prepared by Sonoma RCD, which includes a total of 504 plants representing an assortment of appropriate native species.. Latitude 38.218N, Longitude 122.461W; 24165 Turkey Road, Sonoma, CA. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Number 1600-2014-0084-3 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Ken Poudrier.
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Sonoma County Vineyard Stormwater Enhancement Project
Sonoma County Vineyard Stormwater Enhancement Project