SCH Number 2013112003

Project Info

Gateway Park
The project proposes the creation of a new park is proposed at the east touchdown of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge (Bay Bridge) in Oakland. The new park would provide bicycle/pedestrian connection to the new East Span of the Bay Bridge and to other trails. The new park would provide access to the Bay. The new park would include recreation opportunities and features to showcase the natural, maritime, industrial, and transportation history of the East Bay. The project would provide safe access to the bicycle/pedestrian path on the east span of the Bay Bridge as well as access to existing and planned segments of the regional SF Bay Trail. The project would also provide safe, multimodal access to the shoreline and could be a unique waterfront amenity. Furthermore, it would be designed to meet mitigation commitments for the SF Bay Bridge East Span Seismic Safety Project, reuse of the Oakland Army Base, and demolition and reconstruction of I-880. Outside the park boundaries, the project could also include installing landscaping near I-880.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) Gateway Park
Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) Gateway Park
Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) Gateway Park