SCH Number 2013092045

Project Info

Subdivision Map, Rezone, General Plan Amendment, IS-#2013-024, Walsh Family Trust
Subdivision Map, Rezone, General Plan Amendment, Negative Declaration #2013-024, Walsh Family Trust. Proposed division of a 308 acre parcel into a total of four parcels and a 264 acre remainder. Proposed Parcel A is 20 acres, Parcel B is 5 acres, Parcel C is 6.5 acres, and Parcel D is 6.5 acres in size. Due to an earlier Parcel Map Waiver (#77-12-79), recorded on March 6, 1980, which created an additional parcel adjacent to the project site, a Subdivision application is required. The parcel has multiple zoning district which include the following: A-2-B-20 (Agricultural Residential, Building Site Combining, 20 acre minimum parcel size), A-2B40 (Agricultural Residential, Building Site Combining, 40 acre minimum parcel size). A rezone and General Plan Amendment are proposed to facilitate the proposed parcel configuration. The project site has a land use designation of "Grazing and Sagebrush Environment" and "Rural Residential" pursuant to the Pittville Area Plan, 1986.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Lassen County Subdivision Map, Rezone, General Plan Amendment, Negative Declaration
Lassen County Subdivision Map, Rezone, General Plan Amendment, IS-#2013-024, Walsh Family Trust
Lassen County Subdivision Map, Rezone, General Plan Amendment, IS-#2013-024, Walsh Family Trust
Lassen County Subdivision Map, Rezone, General Plan Amendment, IS-#2013-024, Walsh Family Trust