SCH Number 2013091009

Project Info

Pasadena General Plan Update
The proposed project is the adoption and implementation of an update to the City of Pasadena General Plan and specific plan amendments to update the development caps within each specific plan area. The proposed changes focus on the Land use and Mobility Elements and Land use Diagram. The update also includes the consolidation of optional elements into required elements of the General Plan. The Land use and Mobility Elements, together with the other General Plan elements, would guide the overall physical development and circulation of the entire City through horizon year 2035.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Pasadena Addendum to the Pasadena General Plan EIR for the Amendment to the Fuller Seminary Master Plan
City of Pasadena Environmental Impact Report Addendum (EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2013091009) for the Central District Specific Plan (CDSP)
City of Pasadena Pasadena General Plan Update
City of Pasadena Pasadena General Plan Update
City of Pasadena Pasadena General Plan Update