SCH Number 2013051001

Project Info

2014-2021 Housing Element Update and EIR
The proposed project comprises the following actions by the City of Wildomar: - General Plan Amendment to adopt the 2013-2021 Housing Element. - Adoption of an implementing Mixed Use (MU) overlay zone district for the existing Mixed Use Planning Area (MUPA) land use designation. - Land use designation change and rezoning of four parcels that total 25.96 acres from Medium High Density Residential (MHDR)/Business Park (BP) to Highest Density Residential (HHDR) and from Rural Residential (R-R) to Planned Residential (R-4), respectively. - Other zoning text amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance to comply with changes in state law and implementation of the Housing Element programs.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Wildomar 2014-2021 Housing Element Update and EIR
City of Wildomar 2014-2021 Housing Element Update and EIR