SCH Number 2013024001
Project Info
- Title
- U.S. Navy F-35C West Coast Homebasing
- Description
- FYI Final The Navy proposes to provide facilities and functions on the West Coast of the United States to support homebasing F-35C aircraft in the Navy Pacific Fleet. The purpose of the proposed action is to replace aging Navy Pacific Fleet FA-18 aircraft with F-35C aircraft while meeting pilot training and readiness requirements. The Final EIS evaluates the potential environmental effects of three alternatives, including the No Action Alternative and two action Alternative. Alternative 1 analyzes F-35C homebasing and NAF El Centro. Alternative 2 analyzes F-35C homebasing at NAS Lemoore. The analysis address aircraft replacement and transition, facility and infrastructure requirements, personnel requirements, and aircraft operations in the airfield environment and in airspace within the vicinity of each alternative.
3 documents in project