SCH Number 2013022024
Project Info
- Title
- Permanent Landform and Drainage Restoration
- Description
- The project applicant is requesting a Coastal Development Permit, Grading Permit, and Design Review Exemption to restore the 8th Street landform to pre-landslide contours and provide storm and ground water interception, drainage, and revegetation for the project area located at 8th Street, west of Cabrillo Highway, in Montara, CA. The project includes 2,850 cubic yards (cy) of grading (350 cy of cut and 2,500 cy of fill), the removal of one (1) Cypress tree (16" dbh), and the reconstruction of an existing residential garage at 8450 Cabrillo Highway for use of the area as a construction staging area to avoid construction related impacts to roadways. Project is located within Cabrillo County Scenic Corridor.
2 documents in project