SCH Number 2012122031

Project Info

NP1 Logging Special permit for Tree Removal in a Residential Zone
The proposed project is a Special Permit for commercial timber operation in a residential zone and to conduct road construction activities within a streamside management area. Approximately 150,000 board feet will be removed from an approximately 3.36 acre area. This will result in approximately 35 truckloads of logs. The proposed logging operations will cross a Class 2 watercourse and will remove trees adjacent to a Class 3 watercourse. Neither water course has surface water that is hydrologically connected to Washington Gulch. The proposed haul route for the trucks will use McMahan Road to Lindholm Lane to Graham Road to Old Arcata Road to the Bayside Cutoff to Highway 101. No more than (5) commercial logging vehicle trips will occur in a day. The proposed timber operations will last for up to two continuous weeks and will be conducted between 8 am and 6 pm Monday through Friday. There is an osprey nest approximately 680 feet west of the proposed harvest area.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt County NP1 Logging Special permit for Tree Removal in a Residential Zone
Humboldt County NP1 Logging Special permit for Tree Removal in a Residential Zone