SCH Number 2012112032

Project Info

Thickener Control Building Improvements Project
The District needs to replace existing equipment in order to improve the operation and efficiency of the gravity sludge thickening process because the piping and all related electrical and control equipment in the thickener control building have worn and corroded over time and have reached the end of their useful life. Also, the District intends to improve the gravity sludge thickening process with changes in the piping, pump, and electrical equipment layout to improve the reliability of the pumping system that conveys the thickened sludge to primary digesters.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Union Sanitary District Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) NO. C-06-5223-110
Union Sanitary District Thickener Control Building Improvements Project
Union Sanitary District Thickener Control Building Improvements Project