SCH Number 2012082007

Project Info

625-685 Clyde Avenue Office Project
The project is the redevelopment of an existing office/light industrial site with high-density office uses. The project proposes to demolish 117,918 sf of space in four existing one-story buildings; and remove pavement, landscaping and other improvements. Following demolition, the project would construct two detached office buildings of up to 6-stories each, as well as landscaping, utilities, and other improvements. The two buildings would be approximately 192,755 sf each in size, and the 385,510 sf of new office space would be an increase of approximately 267,592 sf over the existing development on the site. The project would include one 6-level and one 7-level parking structure, in addition to surface parking. The project includes a rezoning from the Limited Industrial-Transit Overlay Zone (ML-T) district to a Planned Community (P) zoning district.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Mountain View 625-685 Clyde Avenue Office Project
City of Mountain View 625-685 Clyde Avenue Office Project