SCH Number 2012081083

Project Info

New Residence at 3605 Noranda Lane
Coastal Development Permit No. 09-027, Variance Nos. 10-025 and 10-026, Site Plan Review No. 10-040, Initial Study No. 11-004 and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 11-004 - An application for the construction of a new 5,236 square foot two-story single-family residence with attached 893 square foot garage and 643 square foot second residential unit, water tank, water well driveways, fire department turnaround, modified fuel modification associated landscaping an hardscape, retaining walls, trellises, covered patio, storm water detention tank removal of two oak trees and installation of a new alternative onsite wastewater treatment system, including variances for construction on slopes equal to or steeper than 2.5 to 1 and construction in an Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area, and a site plan review for construction in excess of 18 feet in height with a height of 24 feet for a flat roof.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Malibu New Residence at 3605 Noranda Lane
City of Malibu New Residence at 3605 Noranda Lane