SCH Number 2012081064

Project Info

Seaside Groundwater Basin Monitoring Well Project
Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) is proposing the installation and use of a monitoring well to collect site-specific hydrogeologic data for a potential future Monterey Peninsula Groundwater Replenishment project, which is not proposed in this action and will be addressed in a future, separate project-level environmental review process. In general, the proposed field program includes the drilling of an approximate 550-foot deep boring using the sonic drilling method, coring of the subsurface sediments, sampling and testing of core samples for hydraulic properties and leaching potential, and the installation and sampling of a monitoring well to obtain water levels and groundwater quality data. The monitoring well is proposed to be located immediately south of Eucalyptus Road, within 10 feet of the southern sidewalk edge of Eucalyptus Road and approximately 1,800 feet east of General Jim Moore Boulevard. The extent of temporary construction staging and disturbance will include a maximum of 50-foot by 100-foot area off pavement and a 15 by 80 foot parking area on Eucalyptus Road. The completed project facilities will result in an up to 3-foot square at-grade concrete slab with a less than 1-foot circular monitoring well cap/cover in the center. Ongoing (operational) activities at the site would be limited to periodic (no more frequently than once per month) water level and water quality sampling at the site.
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City of Seaside Seaside Groundwater Basin Monitoring Well Project
City of Seaside Seaside Groundwater Basin Monitoring Well Project