SCH Number 2012072002

Project Info

Independence Creek Cutbank Restoration
The purpose of the project is to remove a non-functioning fish weir and restore an eroded stream bank. The weir was installed to trap Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii henshaw) to establish a broodstock source in another reservoir during the 1970's. The weir subsequently failed in a flood event and needs to be removed. The constriction in the stream channel caused by the fish weir led to an increase of force on the downstream bank, causing severe erosion. We intend to remove the fish weir remnant structure, and restore and stabilize the stream.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Fish & Game #2 Independence Creek Cutbank Restoration
Fish & Game #2 Independence Creek Cutbank Restoration