SCH Number 2012051078

Project Info

DR 12-1002 and CDP 12-1003 to Construct a Single-Family Dwelling on a Vacant Lot at 731 Nyes Place
This proposed project involves construction of 2,420 sq. ft. building pad on a vacant 0.191-acre lot to accommodate a custom multi-level single family residential home with attached garage located at 731 Nyes Place, Laguna Beach CA (Project). Adjacent to the structure, fuel modification zones, consisting of a 20-foot wide irrigated Zone A and a non-irrigated Zone B, are required by the City of Laguna Beach Fire Dept. No improvements to the existing concrete-lined drainage swale present in the western portion of the property are proposed or required. Construction will utilize piers and pile driving to install structural supports. No mass grading is proposed.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Laguna Beach Construction of a Single-Family Residence at 731 Nyes Place Laguna Beach, California (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2017-016
City of Laguna Beach DR 12-1002 and CDP 12-1003 to Construct a Single-Family Dwelling on a Vacant Lot at 731 Nyes Place
City of Laguna Beach DR 12-1002 and CDP 12-1003 to Construct a Single-Family Dwelling on a Vacant Lot at 731 Nyes Place