SCH Number 2012051034

Project Info

General Services - Juvenile Hall Center Additions
Request by the County of San Luis Obispo Department of General Services for the expansion of the existing County Juvenile Services Center. The proposed additions include the following components: Administration and Staff Support, Academic Operations/Classrooms, Treatment Rooms, Classroom/Group Treatment Area, 30-bed housing component (20 proposed and potential for 10 additional within the proposed footprint), Multipurpose Rec Room (gym) - 5,006 sf, Recreation Yard - 6,770 sf, Open Space, Existing Building Area, Paving, and a Drainage Retention Basin - 4,400 sf (3.41 feet deep with a 6,505 cubic foot capacity). Altogether, the elements of the proposed additions described above (including open space, recreation yard, paved area and drainage basin) total 1.50 acres (65,505 sf) of disturbance on a 57.2-acre parcel. The existing emergency access road on the southern boundary of the site will require widening to 16 feet and surfaced with gravel to provide an all-weather surface. Plans for the road at this time call for minor grading, installation of a small section of retaining wall, and placement of decomposed granite on the road surface.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County General Services
San Luis Obispo County General Services - Juvenile Hall Center Additions