SCH Number 2012032032

Project Info

Towews Single-Family Residence
The project is a re-approval of a previously approved Special Permit (SP-08-95). The applicant proposes construction of a single-family residence on a vacant parcel. A Special Permit is required to consider proposed development within a Streamside Management Area (SMA), approximately 50 feet from an unnamed perennial stream which feeds the Elk River. Use of a zero-setback from onsite wetlands, which occur within the riparian corridor, is required to accommodate a proposed driveway turnaround consistent with County Fire-Safe Regulations. A Wetland Delineation and Riparian Buffer Assessment and Planting Plan have been prepared for this project. Proposed development includes construction of a 2,447 square foot single-family residence and 720 square-foot attached garage. The parcel is currently developed with several access roads crossing the drainage and wetlands. The majority of the development footprint is located within the footprint of an old roadcut that has not been abandoned. The project seeks after-the-fact approval of a stream crossing associated with a new access road installed along the eastern boundary of the property. The applicant proposes to remove and replace two existing undersized and misaligned culverts with properly-aligned 24-inch-diameter culverts. Mitigation includes capturing runoff from the building site and directing it away from the creek/wetland and toward percolation areas such as grass-lined swales. Implementation of a grading adn erosion control plan prepared by a civil engineer. The applicant proposes to install Buffer Enhancement plantings within the portion of the SMA which lie between the development footprint and the stream transition line.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt County Toews Special Permit Re-approval
Humboldt County Towews Single-Family Residence