SCH Number 2012022046

Project Info

General Plan Update and Sharp Park Specific Plan
The Proposed Project for the EIR is the Pacifica General Plan Update and the new Sharp Park Specific Plan. This Project will update the City’s existing General Plan, which dates to 1980. The General Plan Update will outline a broad range of policies related to development and conservation in the Planning Area through 2040. The General Plan Update encompasses all elements except Housing, which is not proposed to be updated at this time (the City Council adopted the City’s Housing Element of the General Plan on May 11, 2015). Chapters of the General Plan that are required by State law include Land Use, Conservation, Open Space, Circulation, Noise, and Safety (State law also requires Environmental Justice and Air Quality elements in the General Plans of certain communities, but these elements are not applicable for the City of Pacifica). Optional elements included in the General Plan Update include Economic Development, Community Facilities, Historic Preservation, and Community Design. The State-mandated Housing Element will be updated as part of a separate process as part of the next Housing Element cycle (2023-2031). The Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan is also being updated in conjunction with the General Plan update. Along with the preparation of its General Plan Update, the City of Pacifica is undertaking a parallel but related planning process for the Sharp Park area. The Sharp Park Specific Plan builds on a first phase of pedestrian improvements made along Palmetto Avenue, the area’s “main street.” In February 2020, the planning area was designated a “Priority Development Area” by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments due to its potential to support new housing and employment near transit. This designation qualifies the City to receive potential future additional grants for specific projects and public improvements consistent with the Specific Plan. The Sharp Park Specific Plan includes chapters on Land Use, Mobility and Parking, Urban Design and Public Space, Public Facilities and Infrastructure, Environmental and Coastal Resilience, and Implementation.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Pacifica Sharp Park Specific Plan
City of Pacifica General Plan Update and Sharp Park Specific Plan
City of Pacifica General Plan Update and Sharp Park Specific Plan
City of Pacifica Pacifica General Plan Update
City of Pacifica Pacifica General Plan and Local Coastal Plan Update