SCH Number 2012012052

Project Info

Arsenic Treatment Project
The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) as the responsible agency will be issuing a water supply permit. The City of Rio Vista completed installation of a new chemical/electrical control structure that houses two double walled chemical storage tanks (one each) for ferric chloride (1,000 gallons), sodium hypochlorite (6,650 gallons), and a potassium permanganate saturator (55 gallons). The City also installed a new 42,000 gallon backwash reclaim tank, and all assoicated water, sewer and storm drain installations and relocations. The new structures for water treatment have been installed and operational since June 30, 2016. The project will provide for the operation of these facilities.
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City of Rio Vista Arsenic Treatment Project
City of Rio Vista Arsenic Treatment Project
City of Rio Vista Arsenic Treatment Project