SCH Number 2012012032

Project Info

Citywide Transportation Master Plan Draft Recirculated EIR
Note: Recirculated The Project is a comprehensive update of the 1994 Tracy Transportation Master Plan in fulfillment of Objective CIR-1.1, Action A1 of the Circulation Element of the City of Tracy General Plan. The proposed TMP builds upon the goals and objectives contained in the Circulation Element of the General Plan and the City's SAP. It provides a comprehensive review of the City's transportation system and identifies improvements and expansions to the existing system required to accommodate future growth anticipated by the General Plan. It includes an additional five years of growth beyond the General Plan horizon year to establish consistency with the most recent SJCOG land use development assumptions, employment forecast, and travel demand model. Using the most recent SJCOG model facilitates a consistent identification of uniform improvements.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Tracy Citywide Transportation Master Plan Draft Recirculated EIR
City of Tracy Citywide Transportation Master Plan Draft Recirculated EIR
City of Tracy Citywide Transportation Master Plan Draft Recirculated EIR