SCH Number 2011122070

Project Info

North Forty Specific Plan
Subdivision M-13-014; A&S S-13-090. Mixed-use development of 320 residential units, including 49 affordable senior units, 66,791 sf commercial, on-site and off-site improvements. All reference to an EIR herein are to the EIR that was completed and certified for the North 40 Specific Plan, not for this Project. An Initial Study concluded that this Project was fully covered in North 40 Specific Plan EIR, and no further CEQA compliance was necessary. In addition, because this project is entitled to by right approval under the Town's Housing Element, it is not actually a project under the CEQA. References to environmental impacts below are for the North 40 Specific Plan.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Gatos North 40 -- Phase 1
City of Los Gatos North Forty Specific Plan
City of Los Gatos North Forty Specific Plan
City of Los Gatos North Forty Specific Plan
City of Los Gatos North Forty Specific Plan
City of Los Gatos North Forty Specific Plan