SCH Number 2011122002

Project Info

Forbestown Shaded Fuel Break
The Butte County Fire Safe Council has requested $187,100 from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy's Proposition 84 Healthy Forests Grants Program to fund fuel breaks and fuel reduction treatments along roadways within 249 acres. The proposed project would construct fuel breaks and fuel modification zones along portions of Forbestown Road, Lower Forbestown Road, and Black Bart Road using a combination of mastication, dozer crushing and some hand cutting of small trees and brush in the understory of privately owned timberland located along the roads mentioned above within a 249-acre area identified as Phase 3 and 5. Trees with diameters of 10 inches and smaller will be processed with a masticator or chipped as appropriate. Pushed material will remain on-site until dried over the summer reason, then crushed by the dozer and incorporated into the soil profile.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Butte County Completion of the Forbestown Fuel Break Project - Phases 3 and 4 (SNC 471)
Butte County Forbestown Shaded Fuel Break